
These routes deal with reading, writing and updating notes. Their URLs start with obsidian://actions-uri/note/….


Root, i.e. /note

Does nothing but say hello.


Only supports the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”).

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.



v0.14+ Returns a list of all notes (Markdown files) in the vault.


Only supports the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”).

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-paths Array containing all file paths encoded as JSON string.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Returns a specific note.

Please note: result-properties might be empty if Obsidian can’t process the note’s front matter. This can happen if the front matter is malformed or if the note contains a YAML block that is not front matter.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks
silent boolean optional “Do not open the note in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties v1.4+ The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Returns the first note with the specified name.

Please note: result-properties might be empty if Obsidian can’t process the note’s front matter. This can happen if the front matter is malformed or if the note contains a YAML block that is not front matter.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The name of the note. The extension .md can be omitted.
sort-by enum optional In case there are multiple notes with the same name, they will be sorted by this criterion before the first is picked from the resulting list. Available options: best-guess (using Obsidian’s link resolution (starting from root folder), default), path-asc (full path alphabetically), path-desc, ctime-asc (creation time, oldest first), ctime-desc, mtime-asc (modification time, oldest first), mtime-desc.
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks
silent boolean optional “Do not open the note in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties v1.4+ The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



v1.5+ Returns the currently focussed note. If there is no open note or the currently focussed file is not a note, an error 404 is returned.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
x-success string   base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string   base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



v0.12+ Opens a specific note in Obsidian.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Creates a new note. The default behavior in case there’s already a note with the same name / at the requested file path, the base file name will be suffixed with a number. For example, if the desired file name is My Note.md but that file already exists, the note will be saved as My Note 1.md; if the desired file a/Folder/Another Note 17.md already exists, the note will be saved under a/Folder/Another Note 18.md.

v0.18+ If you want to prevent the creation of an additional note as described above, pass in if-exists=skip. If you want to overwrite an existing note, pass in if-exists=overwrite.

v1.2.0 The apply parameter allows you to specify what to add to the note after creation. Available options are content (implied default) for adding a string, templates (for using the Template core plugin), templater (for using the Templater community plugin). Depending on the apply parameter’s value, the following additional parameters are allowed:

  • apply=content or no apply parameter: content parameter, the initial body of the note
  • apply=templater: template-file parameter, path of the template file to apply
  • apply=templates: template-file parameter, path of the template file to apply


  • apply=content&content=Hello%20world! or content=Hello%20world! (as apply=content is the default)
  • apply=templater&template-file=Templates/Meeting%20notes.md
  • apply=templates&template-file=Templates/Meeting%20notes.md

v1.4+ Please note: result-properties might be empty if Obsidian can’t process the note’s front matter. This can happen if the front matter is malformed or if the note contains a YAML block that is not front matter.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
apply enum optional What to add to the note after creation. Available options: content (implied default), templates, templater.
+- content string optional The initial body of the note. Prerequisite: no apply parameter or apply=content.
+- template-file string optional The path of the template file to apply. Prerequisite: apply=templater or apply=templates.
if-exists string optional What to do if the specified note exists. Set to overwrite for replacing the note or skip for using the existing note as-is.
silent boolean optional “After creating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-body The note body, i.e. the note file content minus possible front matter.
result-content The entire content of the note file.
result-filepath The file path of the note, relative from the vault root folder.
result-front-matter The note’s front matter, i.e. the note file content minus the note body.
result-properties v1.4+ The note’s properties.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Appends text to a note, either to the very end of the note (default) or to the section below a particular headline in a note.

When you want to append text to a section below a headline, the headline must be entered exactly as it appears in the note: headline levels, capitalization, punctuation etc. For example, “## My Headline”, “### My Headline”, and “## my headline” are not identical.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
content string   The text to be added at the end of the note.
below-headline string optional Appends text below the given headline, before the next headline or EOF, whatever comes first. v1.2+
create-if-not-found boolean optional “If the note does not exist, create it before appending.” Defaults to false. v1.2+
ensure-newline boolean optional “Make sure the note ends with a line break.” Defaults to false.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Prepends text to a note, either to the very beginning of the note (default) or to the section below a particular headline in a note.

If the very beginning of the note is prepended, then the front matter will be honored (i.e. the new text will be added to the note body below the front matter) unless explicitly stated otherwise.

When you prepend text to a section below a heading, the headline must be entered exactly as it appears in the note: headline levels, capitalization, punctuation etc. For example, “## My Headline”, “### My Headline”, and “## my headline” are not identical.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
content string   The text to be added at the beginning of the note.
below-headline string optional Prepends text below the given headline, before the next headline or EOF, whatever comes first. v1.2+
create-if-not-found boolean optional “If the note does not exist, create it before prepending.” Defaults to false. v1.2+
ensure-newline boolean optional “Make sure the note ends with a line break.” Defaults to false.
ignore-front-matter boolean optional “Put the text at the very beginning of the note file, even if there is front matter.” Defaults to false.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.




Sets the modification time of the note to now.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.
x-success string optional base URL for on-success callbacks
x-error string optional base URL for on-error callbacks

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



v0.16+ Renames or moves a note. If the new file path already exists, an error will be returned. If the new file path is the same as the original one, nothing will happen. You can move a note to a different folder by specifying the new file path with a different folder name. For example, this will move the file “my-note.md” from its position at the vault root into “another-folder” while keeping the file name:

  • file: “my-note”
  • new-filename: “another-folder/my-note”

Any folder structure in new-filename will not be created automatically. If a folder is specified that does not exist, an error will be returned.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
new-filename string   The new file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short success message.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Does text replacement in a note. The search term is used as-is, i.e. it’s a string search.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
search string   Text string that should be replaced.
replace string   Replacement text.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



Does a text replacement in a note. The search term is used as a pattern, i.e. it’s a regular expression search.

Capturing is supported. Example: the note contains the text “and it was good”, the search value is /(it) (was)/ and the replace value is $2 $1 — after the replacement the note would be changed to “and was it good”.

Modifiers for case-insensitive and global search (/…/i, /…/g, /…/gi) are supported as well. See MDN for examples.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.
search string   Text pattern that should be replaced.
replace string   Replacement text.
silent boolean optional “After updating the note, do not open it in Obsidian.” Defaults to false.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short summary of what was done.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



v0.16+ Immediately deletes a specific note.


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short success message.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.



v0.16+ Moves a specific note to the trash (either vault-local trash or system trash, depending on the configuration made in SettingsFiles & LinksDeleted Files).


In addition to the base parameters (see section “Parameters required in/ accepted by all calls”):

Parameter Value type Optional? Description
file string   The file path of the note, relative from the vault’s root. The extension .md can be omitted.

Return values

These parameters will be added to the callbacks used for getting data back from Actions URI.

On success:

Parameter Description
result-message A short success message.

On failure:

Parameter Description
errorCode A HTTP status code.
errorMessage A short summary of what went wrong.